Doctor Who: The Complete History is a partworks series of books released fortnightly, published in hardback format by Panini UK with Hachette Partworks.
I was commissioned to be the lead artist, producing artwork for every televised Doctor Who story (276 serials), which would feature over the course of 90 volumes. I also produced the cover artwork for every issue as well as the spine artwork.

DOCTOR WHO: Various Stories from the Relaunched Series (2005-Present)
A small collection of artwork from the relaunched series.

DOCTOR WHO: Various Stories from the Original Series (1963-1989)
A small collection of artwork from the original run which began in 1963. All of the stories from the 1960s were recorded in black-and-white, something I was asked to reflect in my work.

A Small Selection of Illustrations Used for the Covers
A TV Advertising campaign Featuring Some of My Work